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Fundraising Events

Some of the Fundraising events that help to fund our donations to the Community:
  • Bingo-  Every Wednesday night  monthly from 7:00 pm to approximately 9:00 pm.  For more information about Civitan Bingo, click here

  • Events and Catering- The club caters events ranging from small luncheons, to  business meetings to weddings.  Volunteers decorate,  prepare meals, serve and clean up as required. For more information click here.

  • Alzheimer’s coffee break:  Coffee break held during a Wednesday night bingo.  Bingo players purchase coffee and cookies.  Proceeds + $200 are donated to Alzheimer’s Society of Lanark County.

  • Big Brothers/Big Sisters- Bowling:  Every February, BBBB have a bowling day.  Either held as Wii Bowling or, since the Perth Bowling alley is open, at the bowling alley.

  • CHEO Breakfast – held in June. Annual event to raise donations for CHEO.


  • Christmas Craft Sale and Team Room:  Held the last Sunday in November each year.

  • Claxton Fruitcakes :  Christmas cake sales at a variety of events and to wholesale customers in the area.  

  • Classic Cruisers:  Runs from May to September on Monday nights.  Classic car owners are invited to come show their classic cars.  Membership fee $15.00.  BBQ on the premises.

  • Glass Turkey Draw:  Tickets sold for “glass turkey” prizes consisting of three alcohol prizes and turkeys.  

  • Jamboree:  Held on the 2nd Sunday of every month (except Aug.) from 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm.  Music provided by local musicians.  Dinner served at 5:00 pm.  Dance $10.   Dinner & Dance $20. (Musicians pay $10.)

  • Psychic, Health and Wellness Fair:  Civitan hosts two psychic, health and wellness fairs each year (November and June).  

Events to serve our community:
  • Blood Donor Clinics:  Civitan Club of Perth members host 6-8 blood donor clinics each year.  

  • Camp Quality:  Civitan Club of Perth members put on a breakfast for Kids with Cancer at Camp Quality.  

  • Business Christmas party:  A Christmas party for small, local businesses.  Held in December

  • CHEO Breakfast – held in June

  • Christmas Parade – The members of Civitan Club of Perth participate in the Town of Perth’s Annual Santa Claus Parade in December.

  • Christmas Tree – Civitan Club of Perth members decorate a Christmas tree for display at Crystal Palace.

Events for members: 
  • Family Fun Day (Fishing Derby):  Fun day for members to bring their families out to participate in an IceFishing Derby as well as activities for the kids (skating, building, snowmen, etc.).

Help us give back to our community

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